Karen Piddington - artist

2015. Fibreglass, clay, faux fur, acrylic paint, latex. Inspired by Kafka’s 'A Report to an Academy'. In a desperate attempt to escape captivity, Red Peter aped his human captors using mimicry. He learned his human behaviours not out of any desire to be human, but to provide himself with a means of escape from his cage. For Red Peter, the casting-off of memory and identity is not a static essence, but a constantly re-enacted self-representation. For Red Peter, identity is performance.

2015. Fibreglass, clay, faux fur, acrylic paint, latex Inspired by Kafka’s 'A Report to an Academy'. In a desperate attempt to escape captivity, Red Peter aped his human captors using mimicry. He learned his human behaviours not out of any desire to be human, but to provide himself with a means of escape from his cage. For Red Peter, the casting-off of memory and identity is not a static essence, a given, but a constantly re-enacted self-representation. For Red Peter, identity if performance.

2015. Fibreglass, clay, faux fur, acrylic paint, latex. Inspired by Kafka’s 'A Report to an Academy'. In a desperate attempt to escape captivity, Red Peter aped his human captors using mimicry. He learned his human behaviours not out of any desire to be human, but to provide himself with a means of escape from his cage. For Red Peter, the casting-off of memory and identity is not a static essence, but a constantly re-enacted self-representation. For Red Peter, identity is performance.